lives and works in Paris and Karlsruhe | |
2001 | Meisterschülerin, National Academy of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe, Germany |
2000 | Master of Fine Arts, National Academy of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe |
1998 | National Academy of Fine arts; Lisboa, Portugal |
1991 | Master of Science, Agriculture; Universtiy of Kassel, Germany |
2022/23 | grant: UNESCO City of Media arts, Karlsruhe |
2021 | Projekstipendium, Land Baden-Württemberg |
2019 | Fondazione Casa Atelier Bedigliora, CH |
2018 | Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe, Germany |
2010 | Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris | Federal state Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
2009 | Werkstadt Graz, Austria Hotel Pupik, Scheifling, Federal state Styria, Ausria |
1999 | Svolvaer, Norway, Aldegrever Stiftung Münster, Germany |
1998 | ERASMUS, Faculdade de Belas Artes Lisboa, Portugal |
University Oslo, Norway Art Academy Antverp; Belgium Academy of fine Arts, Karlsruhe, Germany |
University for Design, Pforzheim, Germany | |
College for Urban Management, Shanghai, China |
pour la Science |
tv/radio |
ARD, tv news tagesthemen, Germany |